Don’t Get Dieppe’d

At first glance, online shopping seems quite convenient. However, there’s a long list of complications that come along with that so-called convenience: duty fees, hidden shipping costs, not to mention the frustration of waiting for your package to arrive.
That’s why the St. John’s Board of Trade wants you to think about shopping locally. By doing so, you avoid the headaches that come with buying out-of-province and help our local economy and businesses grow and flourish for years to come.
The Don’t Get Dieppe’d campaign is intended to get consumers thinking about where they purchase from and why by focusing on the challenges of buying out of province. We know that when we order from away, we can’t control things like shipping delays, hidden fees, and damaged or lost parcels. On the other hand, we know that by shopping here at home, we get our items right away, in perfect condition, and from someone who is investing in Newfoundland and Labrador’s economy.
This fun, poignant, and vibrant campaign taps into an existing understanding and frustration surrounding the inconvenience of waiting for your package to arrive. By poking fun at our own remoteness, and by collaborating with Dieppe to help amplify the benefits of shopping locally, we believe that this will generate plenty of conversation and support.
“It is important for everyone in our province to shop thoughtfully; to pause before spending our hard-earned money to consider the impact of that purchase. We can all get into the habit of asking ourselves if our purchase will help our province recover, grow, and thrive,” said AnnMarie Boudreau, CEO, St. John’s Board of Trade. “We launched Don’t Get Dieppe’d to bring smiles to people’s faces while also sparking an important discussion about buying habits and economic recovery. Now more than ever, we need to think about where we’re putting our money. In a simple day-to-day action of making a purchase, you can help to build our economy.”
Join the fun!
Keep an eye out in the windows of member businesses, on the St. John’s Board of Trade’s social channels, and online at
Get Involved:
If you’re interested in signing up and becoming part of our campaign, please contact us at For a limited time, members who sign up can receive:
- Don’t Get Dieppe’d reusable tote bags and stickers to share with your staff and customers.
- Don’t Get Dieppe’d posters to show your support in store windows and help grow our movement and encourage people to “Get Local.”
Get Dieppe'd:
The City of Dieppe is a warm and inviting community which aspires to quality of life for all its residents. It also happens to be the location of a large Canada Post processing centre that is the final mainland scan point for packages before heading to Newfoundland. Although packages show as being in Dieppe, they could be any number of places between here and there. For a wonderful recap of how it all works, click here.
The St. John’s Board of Trade team have made fast friends with the fun folks of Dieppe – finding common ground in our love for shopping local and having a good laugh. If you’re ever wondering why our packages like to linger in Dieppe, look no further than their scenic walking trails, farmers market, many parks, and friendly locals.
Read the full release here.
Fast Facts:
- The Canada Post facility in Dieppe is the final mainland scan point before heading to Newfoundland. A package could be on the way to the island and still show as in Dieppe until it arrives here for a scan. There’s a comedic truth about living in NL that we’re highlighting with this campaign. As we talked about the benefits of shopping here at home, it was the most obvious frustration that media and locals have been talking about for years.
- We have so many wonderful businesses here in NL; there is rarely a need to shop elsewhere.
- For those that love shopping online, many local retailers are there, offering the same (or better) service as the online shop from away! They hand-deliver to your door, answer the phone when you have a question, or help you pick the perfect gift – all with appreciation for each and every transaction.
- For every dollar you spend at a local business, the majority of it stays within the community. In fact, our friends at the Conception Bay Area Chamber of Commerce did a wonderful campaign where they shared “for every $100 you spend at local businesses, $86 will stay in the community.”
- Businesses here at home are employing your neighbours and friends, supporting local associations and charities, and buying many of their own supplies from other local business owners because they know first-hand how much it means.